Anything that happens in Rome is just white noise. There was a time when Catholics, even non-Catholics took an interest in what popes said and did. Now, we have a figurehead, rather like the Holy Roman Emperor was still there a thousand years after the end of the Roman Empire. On the other hand, papal 'prestige' is only a recent phenomenon from Pius lX and the loss of the papal states. The popes had to find other ways to become more relevant. If you went back to the most centuries, your average Catholic woudl pray for the pope in the Canon but would have no idea what Clement or Julius had said or thought about anything. And yet we had saints and heroes, and maybe will have them again. So maybe we should thank Pope Francis for this after all?

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I do not relaly subscribe to the idea that we should thank someone for being so bad at their job a new way of living might take shape. Even if I think we need a new one, its probably best to do it without defending rapists and ruling as a bitter scrooge that will make the job of a holy and competent pope much harder.

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I was being flippant. PF is taking us back to the old days of bad popes, a weak church and holy men and women keeping the Faith. It’s not ideal, and we could do with good popes and a strong church. But Our Lord did not promise this for all time. We are in a time of tribulation that will concentrate minds on what is true.

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I pray that in times of bad popes great saints will rise.

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How dare you abuse the elderly? Maybe Francis will insist that Kamala should step into the lead role?

Odd parallelism. Oh, wait, maybe it isn’t odd? Maybe the infiltration techniques of communism are being used by color revolution three letter agencies? Maybe that’s why we got McCarrick and he got the China relations?

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When I first got interested in Catholicism in the mid 2010s it felt like the Pope still 'mattered' on the world stage, like the head of a super-NGO. Now it just feels like he's irrelevant.

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I think many will agree with you on Pope Francis.

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I pray you are right Kevin

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In November 2023 I went to a free open meeting at the Catholic Church in Wokingham 30 miles west of London. Austen Ivereigh was speaking on the Synod session which had finished a week earlier. Some organisation paid Austin's bill. In the spirit of that America Magazine one dollar offer, part of the reason I went was that transport was also free. I have a pensioner's bus pass. No, I am not going if there is a repeat in 2024. Even if I'm paid.

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